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10 Years Down: Graffiti From 2013-2023

10 Years Down: Graffiti From 2013-2023

10 Years Down: Graffiti From 2013-2023

10 Years Down: Graffiti From 2013-2023 is a new graffiti jawn that popped up on YT and looked pretty interesting. It’s always cool to see styles progress from one time to another and to see & hear others’ perspective of this art form.

This documentary I guess I’ll call it has work from all over the world, or wherever the cat that put the footage together had a chance to check out.

“My journey started in 2003, marked by an initial fascination with tagging. It wasn’t until the year 2010 that my passion was reignited, painting with Styner I was “piecing” and it sucked so I committed myself to the craft of graffiti, dedicating my efforts to honing the intricate skills required.

Over the past decade, I’ve immersed myself in the dynamic and ever-evolving world of graffiti. Painting and documenting the expressions of this subculture, my artistic pursuits have taken me on an odyssey spanning the continents. From the bustling streets of Asia to the historic walls of Europe, and the vibrant landscapes of Central America and the United States, I’ve left my mark and captured the essence of graffiti in diverse locales.

The footage you are about to witness encapsulates the culmination of a decade’s worth of creativity and exploration. From the raw energy of early pieces to the refined techniques developed over time, these documented graffiti spots offer a visual narrative of my artistic evolution from 2013 to 2023. Join me on this visual journey as I unveil the myriad expressions of graffiti that have left an indelible imprint across the canvas of the world.”