How Does Packaging Affect Cannabis Shelf Life?

How Does Packaging Affect Cannabis Shelf Life?

How Does Packaging Affect Cannabis Shelf Life?

You’ve opened a new dispensary and are committed to providing the highest quality cannabis. However, you’re faced with the challenge of choosing the right packaging methods to maintain the quality and freshness of your products. While branding is essential, selecting the appropriate packaging techniques is equally crucial. This decision-making process depends on whether you’re a seller or a customer.

Why is packaging so vital?
Packaging has evolved from being inconspicuous during the illegal sale of cannabis to a critical element in the legal market. With cannabis legalization, packaging has become a subject of discussion, ranging from effectiveness to health and safety regulations. Just as the food industry prioritizes packaging, it’s wise to apply the same consideration to cannabis, given its organic nature and susceptibility to deterioration.

Cannabis packaging serves three primary purposes: containment, protection, and communication. Proper research and packaging techniques can significantly enhance your product’s quality and shelf life.

Containment: Packaging is essential for safely transporting cannabis without damaging the product.

Protection: Proper packaging safeguards cannabis from contaminants like water vapor, gases, odors, and liquids. Oxygen, a major catalyst for degradation, needs to be minimized. Modified atmosphere packaging, involving replacing oxygen with inert gases like nitrogen, can preserve cannabis freshness.

Communication: Packaging conveys quality and brand message while adhering to legal regulations.

Considerations for Customers: For personal use, it’s beneficial to store cannabis in ideal conditions. While you can’t eliminate oxygen exposure after opening, you can prevent unnecessary contaminants. Store cannabis in a dark, cool area away from sunlight and humidity. Glass containers are recommended for airtight, odorless, and moisture-free storage.

In a Dispensary Setting: Nitrogen flushing is effective for extending shelf life by replacing oxygen. However, it’s expensive and time-consuming. Vacuum packing removes oxygen but lacks protective cushioning. Nitrogen-flushed packaging also masks the aroma and prevents molding.

Nitrogen flushing has benefits but comes with costs, making it ideal for larger establishments. Alternatively, you can opt for more cost-effective packaging methods. Key factors are keeping products dry, away from sunlight, and in glass containers. Following these guidelines can help maintain product quality on your shelves for a year or two.

Ultimately, your packaging choice depends on your dispensary’s scale, resources, and desired shelf life. Balance the pros and cons to ensure quality without compromising your profits.