Black Label 8mm Round Nib Markers In Stock
The brand new Black Label 8mm Round Nib Markers are finally available. These are pretty tuff if I may say so myself. Filled to the top with Black Label buffproof ink, aluminum barrel to control the xylene from melting the marker, and an 8mm round/bullet nib made out of the old school yellow fiber so it stays nice & juicy and prevents streaks and breaks while you catch your hands.
These are also available with an 8.5mm chisel tip nib as well, for those who prefer the chisel tip nibs. Personally I like ’em both but I’m leaning a bit towards the round nib if I had to choose between the two.
The ink, as I mentioned in a previous post, is as vandalous and destructive as it gets. It bleeds through multiple layers of acrylic and oil-based paint and primer and it “re-activates” when sprayed with certain chemical cleaners, which makes it spread around and make a giant mess when the buffman attempts to wipe if off the surface.
These markers are also filled to the very top of the barrel, unlike all the other similar style markers that fill them about 1/4 of the way. You can feel the weight difference when you hold it in your hand.
Anyway, these monsters are available on the shop page of this website for all who are interested.