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Darknet Action (How To Use Tor Browser)

Tor Browser

Here’s a quick little instructional jawn for anyone who wants to hop on the Darknet…how people still don’t know how to gain access is beyond me, especially in this day & age, but fuck it.

The DarkNet (or Deep Web or whatever they call it) is pretty much an online Walmart supercenter for everything illegal. Sure there’s the whole “browse the internet anonymously” aspect but fuck all that, I wanna see what type of fuckery I can get into with this shit. Below is a quick explanation on how Tor Browser [download here] works and after that a few screenshots of the glorious products you can buy in Onionland. Enjoy!!

P.S.- if you download Tor Browser make sure you search for the Hidden Wiki. That has a shitload of links for all types of wild, crazy shit….everything from credit card dumps & PayPal accounts, counterfeit money & passports, electronics, ATM skimmers, drugs, etc.

Tor Browser Definition

The Tor Browser is a web browser that anonymizes your web traffic using the Tor network, making it easy to protect your identity online.

If you’re investigating a competitor, researching an opposing litigant in a legal dispute, or just think it’s creepy for your ISP or the government to know what websites you visit, then the Tor Browser might be the right solution for you.

A few caveats: Browsing the web over Tor is slower than the clearnet (the regular internet), and some major web services block Tor users. Tor Browser is also illegal in authoritarian regimes that want to prevent citizens from reading, publishing, and communicating anonymously. Journalists and dissidents around the world have embraced Tor as a cornerstone of democracy online today, and researchers are hard at work improving Tor’s anonymity properties.

Where To Download Tor

Tor Browser is available for Linux, Mac and Windows, and has also been ported to mobile. You can download desktop versions from the Tor Project website. If you’re on Android, find OrBot or OrFox on the Google Play Store or F-Droid. iOS users can grab OnionBrowser from the Apple App Store.

How To Use Tor

For most people, using Tor Browser is as simple as downloading it and running it, the same way you’d download Chrome or Firefox.

If you’ve never used Tor, the first thing you’ll notice is that it’s slow — or at least, slower than regular internet browsing. Still, Tor has gotten quite a bit faster over the years, and with a good internet connection, you can even watch YouTube videos over Tor.

Tor Browser gives you access to .onion web sites that are only available within the Tor network. For instance, try to access The New York Times at https://www.nytimes3xbfgragh.onion/ and Facebook at https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion using a regular web browser. Go on. We’ll still be here when you get back.

Didn’t work, did it? You can only reach these sites over Tor. This makes it possible to read the news anonymously, a desirable feature in a country where you don’t want the government knowing which news sites you’re reading, when you’re reading them, and for how long.

Using Tor Browser comes with one major annoyance: Many prominent web services block access to Tor, often without useful error messages. If a site you normally visit suddenly returns 404 when visiting over Tor, the service is likely blocking Tor traffic and being needlessly opaque about it. Sites that do not block Tor might push you to click through a ton of captchas. It’s not the end of the world, but it is annoying.

How Tor Works

Tor Browser routes all your web traffic through the Tor network, anonymizing it. As the images below illustrate, Tor consists of a three-layer proxy, like layers of an onion (hence Tor’s onion logo).

Tor Browser connects at random to one of the publicly listed entry nodes, bounces that traffic through a randomly selected middle relay, and finally spits out your traffic through the third and final exit node.

Tor Browser

As a result, don’t be surprised if Google or another service greets you in a foreign tongue. These services look at your IP address and guesstimate your country and language, but when using Tor, you will often appear to be in a physical location halfway around the world.

Tor Browser

If you live in a regime that blocks Tor or need to access a web service that blocks Tor, you can also configure Tor Browser to use bridges. Unlike Tor’s entry and exit nodes, bridge IP addresses are not publicly listed, making it difficult for web services, or governments, to blacklist those IP addresses.

Tor Browser

The Tor network routes TCP traffic of all kinds but is optimized for web browsing. Tor does not support UDP, so don’t try to torrent free software ISOs, as it won’t work.

Is Tor Browser Anonymous

Tor Browser offers the best anonymous web browsing available today, but that anonymity is not perfect. We are currently witnessing an arms race between researchers seeking to strengthen Tor, or even develop a next generation anonymity tool, and governments around the world studying how to break Tor’s anonymity properties.

The most successful technique to de-anonymize Tor Browser users has been to hack them. The FBI has used this technique successfully in numerous criminal cases, and under Rule 41, enacted in 2016 by US Chief Justice Roberts of the Supreme Court, the FBI can now mass hack large numbers of computers anywhere in the world using a single warrant.

Such hacking techniques ought to concern everyone, as innocent Tor users will inevitably get caught up in such fishing expeditions.

Does that mean you shouldn’t use Tor? Certainly not, if you care about your privacy online. Tor Browser is an essential tool that will only improve with time. If you don’t care about your privacy? Well, Edward Snowden said it best:

Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.

Now that that’s over with, here’s a few screens from a few online shops as well as a few links to check out once you log on.



