Glass Etch Squeeze Mops In Stock
Glass Etch Squeeze Mops are now in stock and available in the shop section of the website. Glass etch is a solution of a certain kind of acid and a few other chemicals that, when mixed together correctly, and applied to glass, the solution alters the glass chemically. The result is a white, cloudy mark, design, or in this situation a tag or handstyle that looks kind of like frosted glass.
The good thing about glass etch is it’s permanent as in forever ever. Bottom line is the etched glass needs to be replaced. The downside to glass etch is it’s extremely caustic and dangerous. The fumes from the etch itself and the injuries that can occur from using it carelessly can be serious. Chemical burns on the skin and/or eyes & face if it should splash while filling or mixing. You also should NEVER mix any other type of chemical, ink, paint, water, ANYTHING into the etch solution. It could react chemically and explode.
Anyway, I have 2oz squeeze mops available right here. As far as pricing goes for those who might think $15 is kinda high for one mop, the cheapest I found other etch mops online for was 50ml for $17.00 and 15ml for $30.00. The ones on this website are $15.00 for 60ml. These mops are extremely hard to come by so if you happen to be looking, here’s your chance. Metal Etch mops are also available.
You should keep it in a thick plastic bag when not in use and when you’re carrying it around. You don’t wanna get burned or injured.