Graff Palettes Part 2
Graff Palettes Part 2, this is the follow up to the first post containing the individual artist’s pieces and color selections, available here.
What exactly is a Color Palette?
A color palette, in the digital world, refers to the full range of colors that can be displayed on a device screen or other interface, or in some cases, a collection of colors and tools for use in paint and illustration programs. The color palette reveals a lot about the electronic design of the device or technology, and its visual capabilities for human users.
A Graff Palette refers to a selection of colors chosen by a writer/artist for their graffiti piece. These colors are carefully recorded and overlaid onto an image of the final artwork, often using software like Photoshop.
Many graffiti artists, in the preparation stage of their artwork, outline their design and annotate the color names for each element of the piece, such as the fill, 3D effects, glow, and background. Taking it a step further, some artists even include the specific brand of paint associated with each color in their palettes.