Graffiti Alphabets
Creating your own graffiti alphabets are a good way to practice your letters and styles. Even though you might only use somewhere between 4-6 letters out of the 26 letters in the American alphabet it is good to know how to style all the letters in a piece or a blackbook sketch the same way. This way your final result is uniform and good-looking, not having others wonder what the hell is wrong with you. Letters before anything else. From there you can start with the backgrounds and characters and color schemes, but with no letters there is no piece. Remember that shit. And try not to copy the exact letter, that’s not what these are for. These alphabets are for inspiration and ideas, not to blatantly bite someone else’s work. Remember to always be original with your work. Even if it sucks and looks like shit, you know you created it yourself and didn’t bite someone else.

For more of these types of letter styles check out the #GraffitiLetters or #GraffitiAlphabets hashtags on the ‘gram.