And here we have Rasel, who also writes Rals and Rasle, from Madrid, Spain. This cat appears to be one of them writers that moves around, at least from what… read this jawn
Illadel Ink Branded Website Is Now Live
The Illadel Ink branded website is now live and shipping orders. You’re probably thinking ‘why have another website if you already have’ but… read this jawn
Stick ‘Em Up | Houston Street Art Documentary
Stick ‘Em Up! is a captivating film that explores the little-known world of wheat pasting, an inner-city art form that’s as provocative as it is misunderstood. Documentary filmmaker Alex Luster… read this jawn
New Banksy Stop Sign Art Stolen Within an Hour of Unveiling
A recent addition to London’s street art scene comes courtesy of Banksy, with the anonymous artist unveiling a distinctive piece on December 22… read this jawn
Kwazr ATD
Kwazr ATD (Attack Till Death Krew) has that Mid-Western/Southwest/West Coast-looking style of letters, at least that’s what I see in his work… read this jawn
Phet Oner
And here we have Phet Oner, another heavy hitter from Berlin, Germany. Reppin’ SuperBadBoys, ABS, and 156 All Stars, and nice with the characters… read this jawn