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Illadel Ink Branded Website Is Now Live

Illadel Ink Branded Website Is Now Live

Illadel Ink Branded Website Is Now Live

The Illadel Ink branded website is now live and shipping orders. You’re probably thinking ‘why have another website if you already have HotRazzberry.com’ but any business, or product brand especially, needs to have it’s own website if you want to be taken seriously.

The new site’s domain name (the URL or link) is www.illadel.ink. This website is mainly for Illadel-branded products. As of right now there will not be any other brands of products besides Illadel. I might even make a couple of the current Illadel products exclusive to this website. I mainly built the site for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and online presence because the more people that see your products the better chance you have of selling something.

The website has all available Illadel ink and paint products including refills, mops, markers, and metal & glass etch. There is also free shipping set up for any order $75.00 or over inside the USA. Depending on how the site ranks within Google I might eventually add other brands & products like I had before on illadelink.com but for the time being it’ll be strictly Illadel products.

Illadel Ink Branded Website Is Now Live