Pyrex Tees Now Available
The Pyrex tees are now available in the shop section of this website. For those unfamiliar with what Pyrex is, it’s a brand introduced by Corning Inc. in 1915 for a line of clear, low-thermal-expansion borosilicate glass used for laboratory glassware and kitchenware. It was later expanded to include kitchenware products made of soda–lime glass and other materials.
If you ever hustled any hard then you already know what the deal is. Pyrex glass was used because you can heat is up without the glass actually exploding or shattering like regular “untreated” glassware. When you place the Pyrex in the hot water to let the powder do it’s thing it doesn’t crack or break. Regular glassware, once it reaches a certain temperature, will shatter or explode. And for anyone cooking up a couple ounces of Reddi-Rock, that’s a bad jawn (a total fuckin’ disaster). Pyrex (or a Pyrex knockoff most likely) are the good people who put out all those pretty glass rose pipes/straight-shooters all the crackheads use…you see them everywhere…well I see them everywhere but then again I’m usually in places I really shouldn’t be, unlike normal people.
Anyway, there are two designs: the “Bake What You Really Mean” tee and the OG logo tee.

And, as an added bonus, just for visiting the site, I’m posting this free recipe/instruction manual for anyone who wants to be an official Pyrex rep. Enjoy.