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RIP Charlie Rock LD

RIP Charlie Rock LD

RIP Charlie Rock LD

RIP Charlie Rock LD (Living Dangerously). This is crazy, I was just watching his Reppin’ Da Real podcast the other day and now he’s dead. According to a video uploaded from PandaChop, Charlie had a heart attack and died. Charlie was a real OG, nothing like these clowns that run around today claiming to be OG’s, perpetratin’ the fraud. He was about that life for real when he was on the street and when he was in jail. He was original Terror Squad, not to be confused with the Terror Squad that Fat Joe & Big Pun made famous. The original TS before the rap shit, the drugs and guns Terror Squad.

Charlie Rock was, at one time, Fat Joe’s right hand man but from what I’ve seen & read on the ‘net, once Charlie came home him and Joe couldn’t see eye-to-eye on some things and Joe kinda left him hanging…or whatever, I wasn’t there & I don’t know for sure. From what he says in his podcast videos he lost his eye in jail scufflin’ with cats that were talking shit on Fat Joe. He stabbed one in the neck then got his eye poked out. I can see why he was pissed when Fat Joe tried to keep him at arm’s reach when he got home. Joe is a celebrity, a well-known celebrity & has been for years so having someone who is wreckless as all hell, throwing people in trunks, stabbing people, etc. is not good for business. Not a good look when there’s constantly cameras pointed at you. None of my damn business.

I was really diggin’ the Reppin’ Da Real & the Prison Mentality podcasts because I’m a friggin’ jailbird myself. Sometimes it’s good to hear all the horror stories to help remember that the jailhouse ain’t nowhere to be. Anyway, Rest In Peace Charlie Rock LD, your reign was short-lived playboy.

You can check all his podcasts out right here for anyone who’s interested.