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So 6ix9ine Got His Ass Beat

So 6ix9ine Got His Ass Beat

Karma’s a Bitch

I’m just posting this goofy shit for the SEO rankings lmao, the 6ix9ine metadata & keywords do pull people in so fuck it.

My whole thing is this: if you ratted on your whole team & got everyone booked you definitely shouldn’t be running around provoking beef with everybody everywhere. That shit never ends well as we’ve seen in the past from previous clowns ratting on people, plus karma can be a real motherfucker sometimes.

Any damn way, it looks like young baw got dealt with at some Planet Fitness in Florida. It’s safe to say he’s probably gonna sue the shit out of Planet Fitness after seeing the new footage of the cats coming in and walking right to the bathroom to bust his ass.

Maybe he staged that shit so he could sue the gym and the cats who fucked him up were in on it…we’ll find out soon enough y’all.

So here’s the video of right before 6is9ine gettin’ lumped up…you can definitely see the two cats were up to nogood just by the way they was walking…I been in jail enough times to know when shit is about to pop off and shit was about to pop off.

On some real shit though, these dudes are more than likely gonna get cased up for this shit so it probably wasn’t worth recording that shit. I don’t understand how people forget or just ignore all the damn CCTV cameras everywhere you go nowadays.
Anyways, here ya go…

And the original jawn showing him getting trashed…