Kool25 from Hamburgh, Germany with the old school flavor. Painting since the 1990’s and gettin’ busy all over the place wherever he can fit his name on a wall… read this jawn
Drik the Villain
Drik the Villain appears to be one of them next level writers that burns any wall he comes across. I’m pretty sure he’s from Berlin, Germany but I’m not sure… read this jawn
Perm | Details
Perm from Rostock, Germany is a talented writer and tattoo artist that pretty much destroys whatever he touches….in a good way. Now, mostly all writers’ pieces & burners… read this jawn
Paperwork | Bekz 112
Bekz 112 from Cologne, Germany is an artist and graphic designer reppin’ DRH Crew (Da Real Homyz). A certified blackbook assassin, check… read this jawn
Closeups With Rowdy TMF
Rowdy TMF/Team Mad Flava from Leipzig, Germany, has developed a very technical semi-wildstyle, or what I would call borderline wildstyle… read this jawn
Jums One
Jums One of the Outsiders & EWS Crews out of Darmstadt Rhein-Main Gebiet (Darmstadt, Germany). A different style than most other writers… read this jawn