Kerock One from Berlin, Germany. This cat’s pieces and burners speak for themselves. Color schemes as well as letterforms are top shelf… read this jawn
Lorz One
Lorz One from Dortmund, Germany I believe. His semi-wildstyle letterforms are mean as hell and well-put-together, as are the selected colors….. read this jawn
Coaster from Rostock, Germany. Besides killin’ the walls, main man gets busy teaching graffiti workshops, doing commission work, custom….. read this jawn
Rays, from Leipzig, Germany is one of the co-founder’s of the Graff Funk Project. Static geometric shapes and dynamic lines in his letter….. read this jawn
Mobar 1er from Germany. Soon as I peeped the letters I knew he had to be from Europe because even though the styles in Europe vary from….. read this jawn
Rico79 from HADS Crew, reigning from Germany I believe. Fresh, crispy letters, ill color schemes and he paints all over Europe. Check him….. read this jawn