Maple TCI (Train Champs Incorporated) with the rolling canvas work….. read this jawn
Lady Sheva
Lady Sheva a.k.a. Sheva Oner (yes it’s a chick) burns some, actually alot of guys that write. Her whole style of writing had me thrown off, thinking it was a dude until I came across one of her videos where you can see part of her head…. read this jawn
More Random Freights
I don’t think there’s anything that beats a whole entire side of a freight car covered in paint and letters except maybe a whole train, but we’ll save that fire for another post at another time….. read this jawn
Random Freights
Nothing like trains covered with graff. Pics are from a benching page on Flickr. Enjoy….. read this jawn
Poison GFR x Molotow
Greek Graffiti Artist POISON of the GFR Crew from Athens spray-painting the MOLOTOW TRAIN with some wholecar flavor….. read this jawn