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Wild Style Movie Posters

Wild Style Movie Posters

Wild Style Movie Posters

Wild Style is one of the illest movies that document the graffiti and hip-hop culture without actually being a documentary. I remember way back, whatever year it was when I first saw the movie on VHS tape and kinda lost my shit. I was lucky enough to be born at the right time to see this entire culture, all 5 elements, break out and become crazy popular.

I remember walking home from school and the older cats, out there with the windbreaker suits on, would have their cardboard or linoleum rolled out on the sidewalk, all covered in graffiti, with the boom box blasting and someone doing windmills or back spins as I walked past. Those were the days.

I got to watch as hip-hop take over the inner city with my own eyes, everything from the music & graffiti to the clothing and television commercials. It was official, the hip-hop culture was in full effect and nobody could slow it down or stop it.

To watch something as huge as the entire hip-hop culture take form from birth was something special to me. At the time I knew it was awesome but didn’t fully understand what a “culture” was, shit I was only in 3rd or 4th grade at the time, but I knew I loved it. Then my one friend at school pulled out the Subway Art book and it was curtains.

I was always into movies and movie posters because of the artwork. The way the graphics were laid out were always interesting, the colors, the typeface used, the images of the cast of characters in the movie, all put together to convince you/us to watch the movie.

I never knew that movies had different posters & advertisements in different countries. I thought there was one movie poster and that was it. Then as I got older and found out different record shops and VHS movie rental places had collectible or promotional items from movies that were different than the main joints I was used to seeing. Then the internet came online and shit changed drastically. Now you can see what’s going on in other cities, states, countries all over the world.

That’s what brought me to do this post. The various movie posters from Wild Style. The different countries, different languages, the might be different and talk different and I might not understand the language, but the movie poster says all I need to know.

Below are a bunch of movie posters from Wild Style from everywhere across the planet…the USA, Germany, Japan & so on. Check ’em out. A few of the images had to be enlarged so the quality might not be too great but they still get the point across.
R.I.P. Tracy168.

Wild Style Movie Posters
Wild Style Movie Posters
Wild Style Movie Posters
Wild Style Movie Posters
Great Britain
Wild Style Movie Posters
Wild Style Movie Posters
Wild Style Movie Posters
Wild Style Movie Posters
Wild Style Movie Posters
Wild Style Movie Posters
Wild Style Movie Posters
Wild Style Movie Posters
Wild Style Movie Posters

For anyone that’s never had a chance to watch Wild Style, here ya go.