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Loop Colors Maxi 600ml

Loop Colors Maxi 600ml cans are specifically designed for faster and more efficient coverage of large areas. The acrylic-based paint formulation provides excellent coverage and durability, ensuring that your artwork stands up to outdoor conditions. It also dries quickly, allowing for faster layering and the ability to work on multiple layers or colors without waiting for extended drying times.

High Coverage: The paint is formulated with a high concentration of solids, enabling quick coverage of any surface.

Adherence: It provides excellent adherence on various surfaces commonly used by graffiti artists.

Compatibility: The spray paint is highly compatible with most paints available in the market, allowing for versatile use.

Quick Drying: It dries rapidly, even in humid conditions, allowing for efficient layering and faster completion of artwork.

Year-Round Use: The product can be used throughout the year, and it performs well even at low temperatures (-10°C), without compromising functionality, application, or altering the paint film’s quality, coverage, or opacity.

Versatile Application: The paint can be applied in considerable thicknesses without issues like dripping or cracking, providing flexibility and ease of use.

Special Valve: The spray can features a valve specifically designed for this product, ensuring a constant, adjustable, and precise paint supply. The combination of the special valve and high-solid paint formula produces a fine, slightly nebulized spray, facilitating precision work while minimizing excessive dispersion of the product in the air.

The regular 400ml Loop Colors cans are available here.

Weight1.50 lbs
Dimensions2.60 × 2.60 × 11.00 in

Porto, Mora, Lens, Venezia, Leeds, Valencia, Firenze, Rosendhal, Black, White

1 review for Loop Colors Maxi 600ml

  1. cespoke718

    pressure is nice and high and the yellow stock fat caps are great.

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