New Illadel Neon Permanent Paint Colors
The New Illadel Neon Permanent Paint Colors are the latest products added to the menu at Illadel.Ink and are available, for the time being, in refill bottles only.
One of the major issues with neon colors is the quickness in which they fade. If you’ve been using spraypaint or “graffiti ink” for a while then you already have an idea which colors last longer than the rest and which colors fade faster.
In all my years of making, using, manufacturing paint & ink, the neon colors always seemed to fade within a week or so of being put up. Regardless of what manufacturer or brand produced the neon colors, that never hold up in the elements.
Also, the ink/paint refills in neon colors are always streaky, almost transparent and a waste of money in general. Without mentioning brand names specifically, most if not all that I’ve tried personally either didn’t mix up completely, were chalky and cheaply made, came out of the mop or marker extremely streaky, and most didn’t cover well at all.
So me, personally, I figure it wasn’t worth the time, money & aggravation to even bother putting together a range of neon colors.
After speaking to a couple people, and having customers ask specifically for neon colors, fluorescent green to be exact, I figure fuck it, I’ll give it a shot.
Luckily I didn’t have to waste a small fortune sourcing quality pigments, which can always be a pain in the ass. Alot of suppliers are not honest about the quality of their materials and just “yes” you to death just to make a sale.
Anyway, I took my time to find some solid samples I though would work and, luckily enough, when I put everything together, the end result came out as solid as I could hope for.

The first three colors: Electric Green, Atomik Pink, and Hyper Violet are as opaque as any of the high quality paint refills on the current market…absolute coverage on all three colors. In my opinion that’s the main characteristic of a solid paint. It has to cover and cover exceptionally well.

Secondly, the consistency needs to be drippy enough to slide all the way down the surface to the floor -OR- stay sharp & crisp around the edges for those who want clean lines.
Thirdly, being these are neon colors, they have to pop. Like serious brightness and color saturation. Which they do. And they have to glow under a blacklight. Which they also do and do well.

The neon colors are xylene-based, same as the regular colors of permanent paint, the metallics, the mirror finish chrome and the buffproof ink.
I’m used to working with Xylene and in my opinion it works better than alcohol and water or most other solvents.
The way it gives the paint a smooth finish and a nice buttery consistency, I couldn’t attempt to use anything else. Plus it pretty much forces these specific pigments to blend correctly. No chalky residue or streaks in the final product.
Since the first three colors did so well, There will be another neon color added each week for the next month. The Lemon-Yellow is next, then blue, orange and red,
I might also try some phosphorescent paint as well but the colors are all white when mixed until they begin to glow. That can be good or bad I guess, depending who you talk to.
Anyway, if you haven’t tried any of the new Illadel Neon Permanent Paint and wanna cop a bottle, they’re available exclusively at Illadel.Ink.