Suboxone Is the Perfect Drug For Jail
Pieces on deck…the bomb just dropped. I used to hear that shit and knew it was party time.
Here in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia specifically and it’s surrounding counties, the jails, both county and state, are flooded with Suboxone. Whether the facilities actually run an in-house program or, in this specific case, the inmates run their own program, Subs are the perfect drug for the jailhouse.
Now the jails that give them out through the medical department keep a close eye on the whole situation. They call you up to medical, hand you your strip (or crushed up Subutex in some cases) and watch you put it under your tongue and make you drink water and sit there for 10-15 minutes before you can return to the unit. They wanna make sure that jawn dissolved before you can slide off.
That’s when the jail runs the program. Now it’s a whole different story when the inmates run shit.
The good side is there’s a mostly unlimited supply of Sub. The bad side is the actual markup, which can range from $50 per strip when they’re plentiful to $200+ when they’re scarce. On the unit I was lucky enough to be on there was so much Sub that main man who was running the show was blessing everyone all the time. I mean he had it like that.
I mean from the end of September until the first week in December the C.O. that was horsin’ that shit in made about $30,000.00 off main man. It was all lovely until some bitch nigga ran his mouth after getting caught with a few pages of K2 and the administration shut everything down.
Anyway, there’s cats getting big money in the jailhouse off strips…I mean serious money!! If my back-judge didn’t max me out every time I went in front of her I’d catch a little 30-day hit, go in real heavy and come out with 20-25 gees.
There’s cats making enough money to buy cars & houses in the jailhouse off the Subs bro, no bullshit. Think about it for a second…one strip alone is say $100.00. You have the C.O. bring in 100 strips a week for 4 weeks ($40,000 total) and, after eating some, blessing some folks and paying the horse you’ll still have 30 bands left for yourself. Double that if you lock ’em in for $200 each, even $150 each…that shit is ridiculous.
You can take one strip, cut it into 32 pieces and sell each piece for $5.00. Or you can do the eights for $25, quarters for $50, halfs for $100 and whole boys for $200.
Main man on my block was doing whole boys for $65 for cats he fucked with, but he had a once-a-week bomb drop so he had it like that, not to mention the other contraband that was plentiful as well.
Anyway, peep the image below and try and figure the math if you receive 100 strips a week for let’s say one month…the shit is bananas.

Besides the crazy money you can get off these strips, they’re sooo easy to hide. The one lady C.O. would bring in 300 at a time in a cocoa butter stick (in the plastic tube) or 100 strips inside of a ChapStik jawn. I mean you can hide a shitload of strips pretty much anywhere if your devious enough. Or just have someone else hold your shit, but that opens the door for drama & nobody wants any drama, not when everything is flowing just right.
I’m not gonna get into specifics on the hiding spots but some places you’d never think to check so the piglets were always mad as fuck after a shakedown and all they found was a wack or two and no drugs (LOL assholes).
Plus the administration can never seem to find anything…they know it’s around because everybody’s chillin’ and they see/hear the cats on the phone reading off other folks’ CashApp info, but they can never find anything lmao.
And the good thing about the Subs in the jailhouse is everybody, I mean everybody, fucks with ’em…I seen cats snorting whole halfs then throwing up cause it was too strong, muffuckers putting $5 & $10 pieces in their eyes…all types of wild crazy shit. I’m not even gonna start on the K2, that’s a whole ‘nother story for a whole different time.
Anyway, if you wanna check the news article about my man that got busted that had shit hemmed up (and the C.O./horsey) this time while I was in there here’s the link. I think it was his second or third in-house case so he ain’t gonna be home for a hot minute and the C.O., Joyner, he’s fucked just as well. They both knew the rules and possible outcomes so it is what it is.
Free my man Ant!!.