New York Vending Machines Now Offer Narcan, Syringes, and Fentanyl test strips in an effort to reduce stigma and barriers….. read this jawn
The Legend Behind The Mitsubishi Ecstasy Pills
I’ve seen Mitsubishi Ecstasy Pills in a bunch of different colors as well as double-stacks and triple-stacks and one thing I’m positive of… read this jawn
The Anarchist Cookbook
The Anarchist Cookbook, first published in 1971, is a book containing instructions for the manufacture of explosives, rudimentary telecomm….. read this jawn
Pink Cocaine
The surge in popularity of pink cocaine can be attributed to its vivid hue and purported ability to enhance party experiences. Despite its….. read this jawn
Suboxone Is the Perfect Drug For Jail
Here in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia specifically and it’s surrounding counties, the jails, both county and state, are flooded with Suboxone. Whether the facilities actually run an in-house program….. read this jawn
The Wire Is One Of the Best Television Shows Ever Created
Co-created by author and former police reporter David Simon, The Wire takes a very distinctive spin on police procedural shows. Rather than keeping its perspective on a specific group, this crime drama….. read this jawn